Signing into Blogger, the first thing it asks is for your blog's name. I started playing with ideas that were in my head...
- Hockeywife (taken)
- Marriedtohockey(taken)
- ImarriedahockeyplayerandnowIamstuckathomewithtwokidswhilehetravels (I am not sure if that is taken, but probably not the best blog name!)
Anyhow..after trial and error, I decided Hockeywifetales (Tales of a Hockey Wife) would be a good name. So I set up email, a blog, Blogfrog, etc, etc. I was now The Hockey Wife! However....soon I discovered I was not the only Hockey Wife out there blogging. There actually are quite a few bloggers out there, sharing their experiences as they navigate through a life that revolves around hockey. (Please see links below).
Immediately I began to
I read their posts about living in Europe, and I long for the days when my husband and I were able to travel at a moment's notice. I read about trades, and I am reminded of the shock the first time my (then boyfriend) was traded to a new city. I read about leaving school to follow your heart, and I think of the last year of college I still have not completed! I read about lost careers, and although I am so lucky to stay at home with my children, I think about the seniority I would have had with the airline by now.
Through the gripes, and through the frustration, I also recognize a devotion that few women would really understand. It is a devotion that means leaving family and friends behind, while spending many evenings home alone. It is a devotion that is wrapped around your husband's career...even if it means losing your own. It is that devotion, no matter how hard the day-to-day frustrations get, that we still wouldn't trade it for the world.
My hope, just as when I read these blogs and look back at my life when I was a girlfriend, or planning a wedding around possible play-offs and NHL drafts, or starting a family...They too will read my blog as a chance to look into a crystal ball. With time it might get harder...and yes, you will survive!!
So check out these blogs (click on the picture) and see what it takes to be a Hockey Wife!
Thank you ladies for opening your blogging arms and letting me share my hockey tales along side you!!

Thank you for this post :) I sent you a friend request and message via GFC, did you get it? You can reach me at my email thats on my google profile :)
Looking forward to your blog.
I am not a member of Google connect (I think that is what GFC is) I missed that comment. Please feel free to add your blog link and button to my site. Just click on the puck that says "link your blog here".
hi hockey wife! thanks for the shout out :) i am such a newbie to bloggyland, i have no idea what a button but hopefully with time i can figure out all these neat gadgets. so funny you would say 'look into a crystal ball' because when reading your blog, that is EXACTLY how i feel!! excited for the days of being blessed to be able to stay home with my kids & do things like outdoor rinks.. and equally as sad to realize that the moving around and dealing with business.. i mean, roadtrips never gets easier! for lack of a better term being a 'married single mom'. i really enjoy reading your adventure! thanks for sharing your story :D
AJ...Thanks for the comment. If you have a picture you like, please send to me via email, and I am happy to make one for you!!
I came across your blog through blogfrog and wow, this post just sums up everything for me! I'm giving up my career right now so my man can pursue his career to play back in Europe, despite me only having just got back to the States we're heading back to Europe (which is where I'm from).
Welcome to blogging...I'm a novice at this but look forward reading more of your blogs :)
Ha, I'm the 'original', that is just too funny. There's plenty of room for 100 other hockey wives, and I am beyond thankful for the ones I've met through blogging. It's been a rough season for a lot of us and it's always nice to know there's someone out there who understands how you're feeling and knows that you're really not ungrateful.
Found your blog through other Hockeywife blogs..Welcome to the Blog world:))
Thanks for the shout out! I just read through your blog & have enjoyed it very much so far :) It's always nice to find another hockey wife, no matter what stage we are at in our "career". I think fellow wives/girlfriends/fiancees are really the only ones that truly "get it", and its so nice to be able to support one another! :)
Welcome to blogging about the adventures in hockey wife land. Never a dull moment :) And I think you should go with your third choice of isp, too funny! Looking forward to following you in 2011!
Thank you for this post. It is refreshing to read especially since my husband is "currently" retired and coaching but contemplating going back to play. I am looking forward to reading the rest of your posts.
Thank you for this post. It is refreshing to read especially since my husband is "currently" retired and coaching but contemplating going back to play. I am looking forward to reading the rest of your posts.
hi hockey wife! thanks for the shout out :) i am such a newbie to bloggyland, i have no idea what a button but hopefully with time i can figure out all these neat gadgets. so funny you would say 'look into a crystal ball' because when reading your blog, that is EXACTLY how i feel!! excited for the days of being blessed to be able to stay home with my kids & do things like outdoor rinks.. and equally as sad to realize that the moving around and dealing with business.. i mean, roadtrips never gets easier! for lack of a better term being a 'married single mom'. i really enjoy reading your adventure! thanks for sharing your story :D
I am not a member of Google connect (I think that is what GFC is) I missed that comment. Please feel free to add your blog link and button to my site. Just click on the puck that says "link your blog here".
Ha, I'm the 'original', that is just too funny. There's plenty of room for 100 other hockey wives, and I am beyond thankful for the ones I've met through blogging. It's been a rough season for a lot of us and it's always nice to know there's someone out there who understands how you're feeling and knows that you're really not ungrateful.
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