I can honestly say I enjoyed both of my pregnancies! My first pregnancy was textbook....except for the sixty pound weight gain! If you recall this post....you will know that I read What to Expect When You Are Expecting for my entire pregnancy. I do wish they had a What to Expect AFTER Your Pregnancy book.
I was fat for the entire year I nursed my daughter...that was not fun. Since my daughter was born in April, I had the joy of being post-baby-fat throughout summer. I purchased a few pairs of linen pants and some long sleeved shirts at Old Navy...three sizes larger than my norm. I wore ugly nursing bras, and you guessed it....Packaged underwear that could hold a donkey's ass...only it was my ass they had to hold! (click here for that story)
It would be 95 degrees out, and people would ask me...
"Aren't you hot in that long-sleeved top and those pants?"
"Oh, no! I am just fine thank you!" ( I would lie as sweat dripped down my back)
I managed to lose all that weight and then some, immediately after I was finished breast-feeding. I also lost a lot of my chest, and for the first time I could button up cardigan sweaters....it was bliss!
Pregnancy number two was a bit different. I was sick the entire nine months. Not physically sick...I just felt like I needed to throw-up the entire day. I think that is worse than actually throwing-up! I was a bit more careful with my diet (easy when nothing sounded good), and thankfully...sushi is not too fattening! (Read about my sushi craving here)
I never really wore any of my maternity clothes for my second pregnancy....I was able to wear one size larger low-rise jeans. So after the birth of my son, I knew I would need different nursing bras....seeing that my pregnancy-body was much different this time around.
So off I went to the local maternity store to buy some nursing bras, and this time I wanted some pretty ones!
I asked to be measured, so I could get the perfect fit, and guess what size I was...38EE!!! You are not hallucinating, that was the size of my post-pregnancy breasts! I am usually a 36C...and after my daughter I went down to a 34B! A 38EE was unimaginable!
I swallowed my pride and asked to try on a 38EE nursing bra. I was told they would have to special order that size! WTF??? This was a maternity store, and they needed to special order a bra for me?
I was in luck, Elle McPherson had just come out with a line for her Pea in The Pod collection and it came in a 38EE...
"Would you like to try it on?" I was asked.
"I guess"...(What did Elle McPherson know about being over-weight after a baby anyhow?)
"There is black or hot pink"
("Come again?" "Black or Hot Pink?" "No Neutral colors?")
"I guess I will try black, as it is more slimming! How much are they?"
"$128.00 each"
"WTF?" also known as..."Never mind, I will pass."
As I put my way too small nursing bra on....I slowly walked out of the store empty-handed and decided to quit nursing. (I look back now, and I think that was just one of the reasons I didn't nurse my son. I also was suffering from a small case of postpartum depression...but that is a long story I will not share now!)If I had been one of those women that lost all their baby-weight immediately after pregnancy, I would probably had one more child.
However....remember that 32 pounds I thought I would lose so quickly? I still have ten of those pounds which I have held onto for the past four years as a small keepsake...
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I gotcha girl...I voted for ya! I am always amazed at how the boobs grow exponentially immediately post-baby!! Let's not forget their blossoming power whilst preggo! Mine are OUT OF CONTROL!! I wrtoe about it in "Got Milk?" And I agree...finding good AFFORDABLE nursing bras is an uphill battle...plus you need more than one!!!
Just voted for you. And I am SO impressed you were doing all that working out so far into your pregnancy! Seriously. Holy crap!
So true about the post-baby body. I demand that every nursing-bra model sport some very true and realistic mushy belly and stretch marks!!
Ah, the baby weight. Still dealing with Gracie and then Caleb. If I could lose 10 more lbs, I'd be so happy!
Do you or did you ever watch Designing Women? Mary Jo was always obsessed with large bras. She would always put Suzanne's bra on her head . . . that's what that big, pink bra reminded me of. LOL
If I can just get past this measly B, I'll get pregnant right now! haha. You look great pregnant, and glad to hear good stories after so many bad ones. You are hilarious, as always. Oh, and as for Heidi, that German anomaly, I think she has been cloned and after every baby, a new 'model' is released. That's my theory at least :)
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