There it was! They were asking people to BE JOYFUL, and here I am complaining that I had to take out the trash. Complaining that it is cold in February, in CANADA! Complaining that my husband was out of town for one whole week (not a year or more...like many solidiers)! I knew I had to refocus my energy and stop my complaining!
I needed a photo that made me joyful...and I knew exactly what that photo was!
This picture was taken when we first returned to our summer home after a hockey season. My daughter was so anxious to go in the lake, that she took off her clothes and went for an evening swim.
The Hockey Life is like an evening swim in the lake...sometimes it is cold, but it is always rewarding!
The Hockey Life is like an evening swim in the lake...sometimes it is cold, but it is always rewarding!
It's not freezing cold here in my country but it's definitely wet cold because of the constant rain..I have so much to complain as well, so I guess I need to do the be joyful post as well...=)
Thanks for this post! It was a great thing to read first thing this morning! Gratitude is infectious! Have a great day!
Cute! I love it :) Hope the trash starts taking itself out and that the weather warm!
Awww, I love that you managed to turn all those negative feelings into joy. What a great picture and memory of your daughter.
Somehow, over the course of our marriage, I got stuck with Trash Duty. I'm with ya.
Great pic! Sometimes its so easy to focus on the negative and everything that isn't going your way we don't pay attention to the good stuff. I'm guilty of that! I'll have to do a joyful post, too!
I live in MN and I feel your pain! Great picture. Found you through the blog hop :)
Loved the attitude adjustment. I've been known to need those every once in awhile (more like daily).
LOVE that picture! If I had one like that of one of my kiddos, it would definitely bring me joy. So cute.
Love the photo, it's one of those 'keepers' for sure. Glad you started your day off with something so positive. After I wrote my 'if I didn't love it' post, I felt a lot happier.
great post and don't you hate sometimes when you want to be crabby but realize you shouldn't be b/c it could be way worse... LOL
I love the photo. Would you like me to send my son to you to create a contraption that will take out the trash for you (or blow it up so you don't have to take it out)?
well hope this makes you smile!
gave you an award hookerr!
At least he brings you back hotel toiletries!! that's better than bringing home a stomach virus! :) TGIF :P
visiting from the joy blog hop and FTLOB and the picture of the little tushie in the water is adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love it and it made me smile!
What a CUTE picture! It made me laugh and smile. That would bring anyone JOY! Thanks so much for sharing and linking up! :) Happy weekend!
That is so cute! you always do such great posts! I bet you're a hoot in "real" life!!!
Ok! It is cold here in Canada, but it is Feb and you have to be thick skinned. Any way you look at it though -40C is cold!!!
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